

I have three tazmanian devils
Trails of clothes and toys and food
They fight and screech and cry
Unreasonable, naughty, attitude

Sure they make me laugh
They're cute enough to pinch
And when they use their manners
Life seems to be a cinch

Tonight I heard a prayer
Young, innocent and flawed
'Help me be like Jesus'
'Help me to help God'

What my devil didn't know
Is that he answered the big question
Of how to live our lives
Of how to be a Christian

The purity is unmatched
I've learned this much tonight
If I ever lost my devils
I'd surely lose my light


I Get It

I think I get it now
Which means I have to start all over
The beauty of aging is experience
Experience, and then that point when you realize
I'll never understand
I'll never be perfect

These things I've been taught all my life
Have I used them? Practiced them?
Do I love my neighbor?
Am I really giving thanks?
I have to start all over
Not look around

Because no one else is perfect
I know, I get it
No one, no one, no one, no one
I can't tell who has started over
Only He will ever know
So I start here; just me, and Him



Life is tedious, and frustrating, and painful, and funny,
and full, and lonely, and happy, and wonderful, and short
You only get today once
I'll only see April 2011 for a month and then its over
My 2 year old will only be 2 for a year, and then its gone
How do I hold on to this?
With a firm grip, that follows
Follows only the things that make a long path
With strength, gratitude, perspective, and faith
I look to the end to find where I am